Dear Ferret Friends:
I'm writing to tell you all about the Susquehanna Valley Ferret Club and
shelter's current situation. I'm afraid we need your help. We received a
letter from our lawyer yesterday. The one who helped us with our legal case
last year. We have been making quarterly payments to him, but he has
decided that he would like his money NOW. We took on this case to preserve
our right to have ferret children and to protect them. We also wanted to
prevent this case from creating problems in other states by setting a
precedent. The bill's current balance, even after making payments for
almost a year, is over $1600. Obviously, we do not have this kind of money.
We are a small self-sufficient club, without large resources available to
us. We also have our shelter to think about. We currently have
six shelter children, two of whom are ill. One has adrenal tumors and must
be scheduled for surgery, and another with an undiagnosed condition (it
could be either lymphosarcoma or a neurological condition). I am asking
each and everyone of you to look into your hearts and help us out. If each
individual could send us at least $20 dollars, this would go a long way to
paying the lawyer's bill, without impacting the shelter. If you can't send
$20, send $10. If you can't send $10, send $5. Whatever you feel you can
contribute. Every little bit counts and it does add up. I am also asking
our club members and our LIFE affiliates to help us with this situation.
Using this money, we  plan on making a major payment in July and them
another one after the show in November. Please help. We have nowhere else
to turn but to ourselves. Send your check, payable to the SVFC, on or
before July 15.
We would like to thank all of you for your support.
Jodi L. Schroth
SVFC President
[Posted in FML issue 0859]