Hello all!
After reading FML for some time, we finally made the drive out to Reno
to get our first fuzzies: Ronin, Katana, and Wakizashi. We are in the
SF Bay area, so of course ownership is an adventure in and of itself.
We seem to have two favorite games in our chaos (not counting the usual
mock-fights and ankle-attacks).
The most popular is the phone-cord catapult. We put a 20 foot long spiral
cord on out receiver, and it drapes the ground. The sharks love to grab
it and drag it back...back...back...fire!
The other fun game we discovered just yesterday. Balloons. Get the large,
round (uninflated) party balloons, and blow one up to 6" diameter or so.
This should be about 1/2 of max size, so the balloon is more durable.
The thing is bigger than the ferret, but scoots away at the slightest
touch, and the only part they can grab is the nozzle that keeps scooting
away. Great fun! Looked like a seal with a ball on its nose.
Our guy played with it for several minutes, then pushed it up against
a wall and very deliberately popped it, Showing no supprise at all at
his kill. (We quickly took the remnents away.)
This game requires supervision, but is fun!
Brad et al
[Posted in FML issue 0859]