I have two descented fuzzies, both male.  I was told by everyone I asked prior
to buying them that I should get descented ones, or have them descented, as the
smell would be very strong (or strnger) otherwise.  My gys are both fixed.
   I bathe them once every 10 days or so, and let them play in water if they
want to during them interim.  I have used Ferret Glow shapoo (which I
 recommend)and also Outright ferret shampoo, which is allright.  If you mix Avon
 Skin So
Soft bath oil with water ( 2 tablespoons to a quart) and spray them in between
n  baths or right after, it helps to keep them "fresh"- also bugs and fleas
hate the smell and full strength, the SSS keeps them away!  I clip nails
about every two baths, and how I 'get away' with it is theis: put drops of
 linatone on their tummies and let them k lick it off whiele you 'attack' their
At least my guys see it as an attack, but they could care less if they have
 their linatone!!  Wash their bedding as often as you wash them- it gets stinky,
Good Luck!!
[Posted in FML issue 0856]