For those of us who sometimes need a little help during the grieving
process, Washington State University has a special program -
People-Pet Partnership - grief counselor Charlene Douglas.   The
phone number is 509-335-4569 or 335-1303.  I highly recommend this program
to anyone needing assistance.
Again, my condolences on your losses.  I also have a small packet available
for those interested.  Just send me your snail mail address and I'll get
one out to you.
Oh noooo!  Our FML issue for today didn't make it through - hope I didn't
miss anything - I'll try to get an issue as soon as its available.
Tip - I always print the issues and keep in a notebook for future use - it
takes a little more time to format but is well worth the effort.  I also
print off personal messages.
Hugs to all fuzzies!  tle
[Posted in FML issue 0855]