> ---------------------------------------
> From: "Peter B. Lee, EMT" <[log in to unmask]>
> I am interested in finding out how to get rid of that ferret smell.
        I do not recommend descenting although my two boys are. Marshall
farm ferrets.  Descenting will take care of some of the smell but not
all of it.  I use a pet shampoo called Out.  It does seem to keep the
smell down, but I can't smell them even if If I don't bath them for two
weeks.  Unfortunately every one else can.  My sister can smell the musk
right after a bath. So I can't be much help here.  Spaying your ferret
will help keep the scent down also.  A horny ferret is a smelly ferret. :)
        Around here there is only one or two vets that will descent ferrets.
Most vets won't unless there is a problem with the scent gland.  Unfortunately
one of these vets also strongly suggest declawing ferrets.  What an !@#hole
this person is.  I wish someone would declaw him/her.
        Brad, Sebastian,and Mako.
[Posted in FML issue 0846]