> From: Cindy S Miller <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: ferret obesity?
> Hi.  Has anyone had any experience with ferret obesity, if
> indeed it exists?
lines deleted........
> Is there any way to measure if a ferret is too fat for
> it's own good?  Any advice is appreciated.
> -Cindy
Hi Cindy & everyone, I also have the same question, one of my babies,
(Brittany), seems to be overweight, She only weighs about 1 3/4 lbs, but
you can tell that most of that is fat.  I'm worried that this might effect
her health.She also does not play as much as my other two, not in a bad
lethargic way, she's just laid back.
I also have aother question about my new baby Calvin.  He eats everything.
He loves to chew and he will chew on anything he can get a hold of, but
he doesn't just chew he eats the stuff he chews.  If I take something
away from him he just finds something else to chew up.  I have coated
just about everything in my apartment wiht bitter apple, which he licks
off. His poop looks fine (actually he poops more that any other ferret
I have ever seen!), but I am afraid that he will get an intestinal
blockage as a result of this habit, Does anyone know what I can do to
stop him from chewing??
Sorry to be so long winded & Thanks in advance!!!
Dona and my babies... Brittany, Abigail & Calvin.
[Posted in FML issue 0817]