Concerning the MFFF, my older boys stuck there nose up at it....even
mixed in with their regular food....(I've found the protein content
higher, and the taste yummier, in Maxcat kitten and Tammi ANF---plus
the price a little less(not much) than the IAMS/SD combo that I
started with)  and all four went off the entire mixture for the one
night I fed it...they didn't eat anything.  Usually Willie will be
doing his morning grazing at the bowl when I get up and let them
out... NOTHING!   BUT, the two new kits I have scarfed it up quite
easily!  So I do think the initial imprinting of whatever you feed
your babies has a lot to do with what they eat later on. To Michelle
and her sick kids....with the scare at last years east coast shows, I
thought my Stimpy had come down with the greenies, along with some of
my room mates kits at the time, but all of them got over it relatively
easy.  Ferrets can and will have green diarrhea from various other
viruses too...the "greenies" virus is distinct in that the cell shed a
highly irritable toxin which lays the ferrets gut raw....this causes
weeks of debilitation even after the virus is killed or run its
course.  Antibx help with secondary e. coli infections, etc. To
Genevieve and Pixie.....have you tried mixing the totally crushed,
powdered pill with dilutitone?  (I call it dilutitone only to remind
people to dilute that ferretone or linatone, please!<G>)  IF Pixie is
addicted to this as mine are, she may take it more readily.  Michele
and the gang!
[Posted in FML issue 0845]