Roger D. McMillian,
 >>>In the two-foods test, my guys and gals chose Iams Kitten over the
Marshall Product overwhelmingly.<<<
 We tried the Marshall Farms Ferret Food with our crew of 14.  Like most
things that are good for them, they turned up their nose at it at first
too.  We just mixed their old standby Iams with the new Marshalls and
after a few days they wouldn't eat the Iams.  They've been on it for two
weeks now and doing quite well.
 What I like about the MFFF is that it is formulated to be more
digestable.  They eat less and eliminate much less.  I was talking to one
of the MF people who said that the 38% protein and 18% fat is a
guaranteed minimum and that most of it would assay in at 41% protein and
21-22% fat.  It's loaded with vitamins too.
[Posted in FML issue 0843]