To: Shelly and Vanilla
     I to have a single 6 yr. old ferret (Guy) who behaves similar to
the way Vanilla behaves.  I did find out that if they think that you are
ignoring them at all, they tend to be less social.  So, I always try
to talk to him and interact with him in little snips of time as we
both roam the house.  What was becoming a habit (Not a good one either)
was I would work late, come home  - Guy would wake up and come out 2
visit, I would say hi, then I would empty my pockets etc and go into the
kitchen where he is not allowed.  I would stay in there for a while -
read mail - make phone calls ect - By the time I came back, he would
be out sleeping .. this went on to the point where he would not even
come out when I came home.  Then someone on the FML mentioned something
that pointed this out to me.  I have corrected this behavior (and no
longer work real late consistantly).  Now we both zip around the house
to "Check out what the other is up to!"  I also found him 2B more
interested in his toys now.
     Hope this helps!!!
-=> Art The Human & Guy The Ferret
[Posted in FML issue 0833]