Perhaps part or our problem with health depts is that we were unaware of
policies regarding ferrets until recently when cases were publicized and
 also the fact thry don't like to be challenged - especially when they're
wrong.  Rhone-Merioux should be notified when any Public Agency or rep
claims the vaccine in ineffective.  1-800-934-4447.  Imrab 3 is 89%
effective in ferrets but only 88% effective in dogs (stated by Dr. Pelletier
KDHE) so...  Since they aren't listening to facts perhaps a few high
dollar law suits will change their minds!  Why isn't there controversy
about other companion pets that there aren't shedding studies on?  How
many time do we take our ferrets out in the woods for a run (like dogs)?
NEVER!  How many rabid animals do we let in our homes to bite our
ferrets?  NONE!  So what Is the REAL problem?  Dogs can harbor the virus
for 3+ years yet are quarantined for 10 days.  There has never been a
ferret-human transmission of rabies but their have been many cases of
dog-human, cat-human, human-human transmissions.  Ferrets are rarely
exposed to rabies vectors and they are the most persecuted of domestic
animals.  If you'd like to send the address of your state health dept
I'd be happy to send letters and info or I can format the letters for
you to sign and send.  I've done this all for Kansas- may as well use
what we already have at our disposal.   Thanks for the welcome!
Mustelids on TV
I saw the program also (it was The Balance of Nature) and it was
fantastic.  I only regret not taping it.  I found it quite interesting
that polecats are solitary animals which is very different from our
domesticated version.  I watched specifically for distinctions between
wild and domestic and was not disappointed.  I hope do post the next
showing for everyone to watch.  Excellent program for Michelle to
watch before her recording.  Even in the wild mustelids I've never seen
any behavior to indicate they deserve such bad press.  They are such
loving, caring parents and do no harm to anyone or anything - unlike
some other wild and domestic species.
Shoulder Pets
I've never trainedmine to ride on my shoulder - I prefer carrying them in
my pockets (which they love) or walking on leash - but a member trained
his by walking around their bed with them on his shoulders and when they
started moving too much he'd let them fall on the bed.  Quilts and pillows
provided a soft safe landing and he seemed to have success with this
method.  Zipper rides on my shoulder (for seconds) in the truck so she
can see out the window and sometimes in public (for security or just to
be obstinate?!).
I'm surprised the veterinarians didn't pick up this one.  I'm always
getting reprimanded by mine for how large Deno and Gizzie are.  There
can be medical or human reason (too many treats), or an overeating
problem (rarely).  Age can also be a contributing factor.  As ferrets
age they sleep more and play less - using less calories (just like us).
Boredom can cause overeating also.  One female (Charlie) was turned
over to us and she was obese.  Inactivity and too many treats were the
cause but a month after being with us she had trimmed down nicely.
Charlie is now very active, healthy and driving her sisters (adopted)
and new owner up the walls!
Heartworm Info request
My veterinarian, Dr. Nelson has asked for information concerning heart
worms in ferrets.  I've given her copies of what I have from newsletters
and such but thought the veterinarians on the FML may have additional
info, testing, dosage, etc.  You may post to it on the FML and I'll
forward it or send it directly to: Dr. Nelson, Westside Veterinary Clinic,
3130 Anderson, Manhattan, KS  66502.  She'll be pleased to get all
ferret medical info she can.  Dr. Brown - She has Ferrets - Everything
You Always Wanted to Know... that you sent for our booklet.  Anything
you want to add on the heartworm section?  Thanks for the contribution.
Troy Lynn
[Posted in FML issue 0818]