All my Ferrets are vaccinated for Distemper with "Fromm-D", But maybe you've
hit on a valid point.  Since the Greenie Virus is so new, and nothing is for
sure, I don't think we could speculate or rule out the possiblity of it being
some sort of mutated Parvo strain.  I'm not a vet but, it is food for
thought. Or maybe its part of that new bacterial mess that is going around,
several TV shows are doing stories on the bacteria that is killing people
accross the world.
There was a story last night on the news about a baby in Dayton Ohio that
came down with it,  it robbed her of one leg, one arm,  several fingers, and
sadly she is also now mentally handicapped. Very sad!
Just a thought, maybe its related to one of the strange bacteria strains.
On a lighter note, my 3 Ferrets that have the Greenies are making a
miraculous recovery, none of them have the greens, or runs now. Their stool
looks completely normal,  I'm starting to wonder if they even had it, or
maybe it was just a very mild case. And so far no one else has come down with
Either way I'm not complaining, They are all eating and drinking normally,
but I am still giving them Amoxidrops, and of course small amounts of Yogurt,
( all us females know what antibiotics can do to the system!:-)
By the way, if we are taking votes to rename a Business of ferrets, I still
think a "Party" of ferrets would fit the best!  We all know that when one of
more are gathered together its PARTY TIME!!!
Baby Ferret teath are very prized!
Effie Marie Hines ( she use to be on the FML, but unsubscribed when she
graduated) came up from Mississippi to adopt "Fenris", well I found one of
his teath, actually it was just sitting on his lip!
As a extra gift for her I took the tooth, put it on a small black paper
circle, put clear tape over it on taped it to a little index card, and put
his birthdate and name on it and gave it to her. It really looked cute, and
will be a treasured baby token.
To Paul and Gold,
Thats funny, I was just talking to Linda the night before she had to leave
for the Alexandria show, and she was wondering how Gold was doing, she sent
me a tape she had made with her friend Bobbi, and Gold was on it, he is truly
I will tell her how he's doing! It was strange seeing your message posted
here after talking about her ! :-)
Well take care everyone, hugs to all Ferrets!
Michelle and The MASKereers:-)
[Posted in FML issue 0843]