Thanks for the replies concerning Garps canines, I'm checking and he
still has both.  As to Paul, you are right in that it's a marvelous
thing to catch a baby tooth!  I still, and always will have one of
Willie's which fell out while he was in my hands chewing on a finger!
(ever-so-gently of course) It sure is neat having babies around the
house again, they are both getting along very well with the big kids
and training seems easier with the other four helping out!
I do have one small problem though, Willie, my hob, wants to mate with
them both and is very's just that they keep trying to tell
him, "Hey, we are BOYS, just because we're small doesn't mean anything
you big oof!"  He has run of the house and shares a cage with my three
gibs, is 10 months old and fully into his first season, but is my most
mellow ferret of all, so I had no plans to have him neutered before at
least one breeding.  I need one more show to get his points for
Masters and then will breed him.  I am a little worried about the
kits, though.  Should or could I spray them with something or just
keep them separate?    thanks.......
 Michele and the gang!
[Posted in FML issue 0842]