Hi all,
Dr. Williams, I've come down with the dreaded "Greenies", I've never dealt
with this problem, and since no one knows what to use to treat it, ( the vets
around here), no one I called has ever heard of it or the symptoms.   Linda
Harrah sugested I ask you, she said that she had talked with you and you
prescribed, ( I'll spell it as it sounds) Seefa drops (??),  Linda's vet
doesn't carry it any more because of the cost, but is using "Kel Flex" in its
Could you tell me the company name so I can have my vet order one or both?
I've got them on Amoxi-drops (the old stand by) I always have a box or two
here at all times just in case. But is Seefa drops or Kel Flex better?
I'm monitoring their water intake, so far none have gone off their food or
bottle. So maybe its only a mild case,  only 3 of my 13 are showing outward
signs, their stool is as green as Anti-Freeze, and like pudding.  Hope you
can help, thank you in advance.
Michelle and The MASKeteers:-(
[Posted in FML issue 0840]