Hi all, I find when cleaning the ferrets' ears I too prefer the
cat/dog cleaners that you get from your vet or pet supply store.  One
thing I have found is, after you clean your ferrets' ears, if they
have light fur mine would always have a bit of wax stain at the base
of their ear in their fur.  And if you just bathed them, well, that's
no good!  So you can safely use some of the ear solu- tion on a
cottonball and rub the fur under the ear to help remove the sticky wax
I don't have this problem with some, but my Willie is very fuzzy
around, and even in the base of his ears, so this works to make him
look cleaner. Willie, BTW, took a first at the CT show this weekend in
adult champion class! Whooppeeeee.....he just yawned and took it all
in stride! My friend got a sweet albino up in NH, and I got a sliver
(lilac) mitt.  I named him Garp...coming from NH I thought it
appropriate.  He's a little terror on wheels at only 6-7 wks!  I dread
the teen stage again!  So I've jumped from four to six in the
household, as Jack the albino is staying here too...my friend's
parents won't let him keep him...sad for him but bonus for me!:> After
the CT show we went to meet friends in NH who run a ferret shelter,
their set-up, and PR for the shelter is nothing short of fantastic
considering they've only been legal in NH for a year. Garp has his
permanent canine coming in right next to, and on top of, his baby
tooth.  Has anyone ever seen this double tooth syndrome before?  Sure
hope the little guy's dentition doesn't get so messed up that he needs
little ferret braces!  Ha!  imagine that!
 Michele and the gang!
[Posted in FML issue 0838]