I finaly found a treat that my ferret Mako likes.  Unfortunately
it's not good for him.  Yesterday while drinking a Samule Adams Boston
Larger Mako took quite an intrest in what I was drinking.  So I put a few
drops in the cap.  Boy did he go to town.  Now Mako has never taken an
intrest in anything, and I tried everything.  I ended up eating vegies,
fruits, ect... that I never had before.  I even tried all the cat and dog
snacks.  well I didn't try them, I tried to get Mako to try them.
        I know this question came up before but how bad is beer for a
ferret.  I plan on giving him a few drops every week and a half to
two weeks.  When I say a few drops that's what I mean.  Just barely enough
to cover the bottom of a beer cap.  I just wish he would drink bud or mick.
Why's it got to be the good stuff. Next thing you know he'll want a bottle
on Moet or Krystal(sp) and some good Russian Caviare. :)
        Hope you all have a good weekend.
        Brad, Sebastian, and Mako "the drunk" or is the "the great" :)
[Posted in FML issue 0833]