Hi All in Ferret Land,
It is a wonderful day to be alive! The sun is shining and I kicked butt!
Today at 8:30am, I had an appointment with our Humane Society President, We
talked about the general issues involving Ferrets and the common myths. I set
her strait on quite a few facts, and supported everything I said with
documented proof. She became very humble to say the least. We talked for a
half an hour, and then it was time for the Radio talk show (I was so very
We covered A LOT of ground in an hour, and surprisingly she didn't debate or
dispute a single fact, and also she refered to them as Domestic (She had
claimed that Ferrets were NOT, 2 months ago).
She also claimed that Ferrets do not like to just lay in your lap and be
petted, and to that testimate, "Ghen" my Bull dog female with the sweetest
Teddy bear face you'd ever lay eyes on,  layed in my lap the whole hour,
acting the perfect lady!!!
A fact that the Humane Society lady had to comment on during the show. She
couldn't get over how she just layed in my lap to get stroked.  "Ghen" won
the hearts of all the Disc Jockey's and the station employees, also the
humane Society president, and she gave everyone kisses. (except for that over
enthusiastic guy with the mustache)
I deffinately think that I have made a very important friend.  After the show
we talked about getting together and working something out for imformation
exsposure on ferrets, a fact she agrees on,( that Ferrets are very
misunderstood, and that the public needs to be informed). She also would like
to set up a ferret show for the people and ferrets in our County, she says
that it would be very fun, and we could hold it in the city square, where
they hold all our street festivals. Believe it or not this was all her idea!
No Kidding!
She also works at the municipal building and is involved with getting laws
past in the city and the state.  Well she asked me if I would like to get
together to discuss what laws concerning ferrets I would like to see passed,
Of course I said yes,.....My first agenda, get them re-classed as Domestic in
Ohio, not "Wild".  I had a few Ideas off the top of my head, and she said
that they were good ones and very feasible.  Like mandatory breeding license,
subject to un-notified inspection of the facilities, and proof of vaccination
of each ferret, humane conditions, & updated breeding records. Failure to
comply would insue suspention of the license for a year, and a very steep
This may cause flack, but I would really like to see this happen, especially
here, there are two large breeders here who keep their animals in deplorable
conditions, both have USDA permits, by the way, and almost imposible to close
down. The Humane Society has tried.
So the talk show went very well, and I got out all the important facts and
information to the listening public.  And I made a important friend as well.
I also left her with a 2 inch thick manual I made with all the Documented
information, compiled from The Domestic Ferret manual from Troy Lynn Eckart
of Ferret Family Services, CDFA manual from Hildy Langewis of Ferret Ware,
The Project BREED directory, and the Ferret Rescue and Care Guide of STAR*
Ferret from Ann Davis of ACME Ferret co, Plus a 50 page report I did on
Ferrets "Dispelling Myths", and all the stuff I had on hand here concerning
our Ferrets.  I also let her look at the STAR* Database listing from
STAR*Ferret, (she was impressed and wants a listing of all the vets that
treat ferrets)
Any way, I'm still alive, I didn't get stage fright too bad, After about 15
minutes I got comfortable, and it became very easy!
Things went so much better then I thought they would!
By the way, when leaving the building I ran into a flock of elementary
children getting off the bus, they were there for a field trip at the radio
station.  Basically I was accosted by the pack of crumb snatchers, all
screaming "What iz it?" "Whats itz name?" :-)
I let them all pet "Ghen" and told them what she was (at the top of my lungs)
The children were delighted, and the teachers smiled.
Most of the kids diddn't want to go into the Radio station afterwards, they
wanted to keep petting "Ghen", she was a real trooper through all this, and
never flinched a muscle!
She even even did poopy-potty in the flower basket on the street corner,
(Sorry, there wasn't any grass anywhere close, just cement)
If ya gotta go, ya gotta go... Flower baskets work very well for emergancy
litter boxes! :-)
Well take care all, I'm now going to go pass out or pig out to celebrate, I
haven't decide wich....A small victory was won today, Again I feel safe in my
small little world that revolves around the Great Ferret Sun God!     Cheers
everyone & and Thanks for all the support!
Happy Ferreting as always,
Michelle and The MASKeters:-)
[Posted in FML issue 0824]