First there was FML... then came the movement... and in the end, we all found
out Big Brother was actually a Ferret! 8) 8) 8)
                     >>>>>>No, But Seriously, Folks!<<<<<<
The media blitz could back-fire... it seems fairly obvious from FML that there
are those out there who would want the media blitz to backfire - and some of
those people have a lot more authority than any one of us.  Let's look  at our-
selves and our ferrets critically to see what 'dirty laundry' those people
might think they can exploit...
Perhaps those people have had bad experience with ferrets, are prejudiced
against anything small and furry, mis-informed, or just plain are phobic. Some-
how, they oppose ferrets or ferrets as pets, and so are our 'enemies'... I say,
"Know thine 'enemies'..." (or at least what they're saying about you - and your
In that spirit, I would like to catalogue arguments against ferrets or ferrets
as pets.  Could any of ya'll (maybe several) e-mail me arguments, discussions,
or repartee you been in or overheard that is pro/con ferrets?  I think each ac-
count of such arguments, etc., should have  1) what pro said (as close to ver-
batim as you can recall!), 2) what con said, 3) what the context was (casual
exchange between strangers, testimony before state Senate committee, etc.),
4) relationship between pro and con (wife and husband, representative of one
organization countering the other expert, etc.), or 5) time and place.
Perhaps, armed with information based on those accounts, we can each advocate
for ferrets better.  We can see the opportunity to have the ferret-shy person
tolerate ferrets long enough to have the good experiences, the opportunity to
sow doubt in someone's prejudice, the opportunity to attack myths and other
mis-information directly - see all these opportunities better!
(I dunno 'bout them phobos, tho!!! :) 8) :) 8)... )
If nothing else, perhaps each of us can better approach the phone lines in late
May, and help some of 'those people' who might be media types get the whole
story, knowing something about the reasons against giving the matter any
thought (or air-time).  It's called 'putting the best foot forward' and not
letting the Furo Conspiracy backfire.
Al...      E-Mail : [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 0788]