Once again, thanks to everyone who has written concerning Scooter's
health, and thanks especially to Dr. Williams for adding some professional
knowledge to all my speculation.
Scooter seems to be much better these days. The yeast in his ears is
responding well to treatment, although getting him to sit still for the
drops is  difficult.  He squirms, claws a bit and makes terrified noises
all the time, and generally shakes about half back out.  Since they're
very sticky and kept in the refrigerator, I wouldn't like it either, but
putting them in is a bit trying.
Yesterday I was giving him Ferretone out of the pet nursing bottle I have
been using, and he actually bit the last quarter inch off the nipple and
swallowed it!  On the advice of my breeder and the vet who treated him
last week, I've treated him liberally with Petromalt and am currently
keeping him locked in the cage so I can find and check all his stools,
hoping he'll pass it.  So far (it's been about 22 hours now) he's eating,
pooping and playing normally, but no sign of the rubber piece.
BTW: someone once mentioned to me a (prescription?) product that could be
put in their water to reduce the odor.  Does this ring a bell with anyone?
Chris and Scooter the Crack Suicide Commando Ferret
Bellingham, WA
[Posted in FML issue 0780]