My son's 1+ year old hob has developed a prolapsed rectum. His
stools are normal and he's fine otherwise. It's not really bad, it's
just beginning to protrude. I've been putting Panalog ointment on it
which my vet had prescribed for a shelter ferret that had the same
problem. It didn't really work for her and it doesn't seem to be
doing much for him either. I read somewhere, and I think it was
probably on the FML, about putting sugar water on it to reduce the
swelling and relieve the soreness. Does anyone know anything about
this or have any suggestions? What causes this condition in a
healthy ferret? I could see if he had diarrhea for a while but his
stools are normal. Can breeding cause him to strain and put pressure
on it? He has entertained a few females quite recently.
Cindy Sooy
[Posted in FML issue 0812]