Hello all - its been a while since I posted, so I thought I would share
a few cute Slinky stories.
Poor slink nearly had a nervous breakdown this weekend.  We went and
painted our boat friday, and I came home covered with a generous
coating of blue copper paint.  I took a long shower to remove the nasty
stuff, then cleaned the tub with Comet to get the redisue off the tub
- and the drain clogged.  Liquid plummer did nothing.  Of course, this
was friday evening, and I couldn't get a plummer in until this
(monday) AM.  Since the tub was covered in gross stuff, I kept Slinky
out all weekend by closing the door.  Talk about a depressed ferret!
He kept going over to see if it was still closed...
This AM, however, it was fixed.  Talk about a happy ferret - he jumped
into the shower with me four times (I gave up lifting him out after
that).  I guess he must know dad does research on aquatic animals and
you know how ferrets want to be included in everything...
Also - he has gotten upset several times when I was cooking (he is much
too small to reach the kitchen counter (thank god!!)).  Last week I was
making a chinese dish and kept cutting things up, and throwing parts
out.  The kitchen garbage is much too tall for him to reach.  Much to
my amazement, he turned, jumped onto the Leila's (the cat) litter box,
from there leaped 1.5 feet to the kitchen table, dropped down onto a
chair, from which he could barely jump and catch the lip of the
My ferret was badly named - he should have been Rube Goldberg -
As far as stealing things, he usually goes for the normal, but he has
taken quite an affection to my snorkel mask and snorkel.  Since a
young California Sea Lion also tried to steal it several weeks ago, I
think I now have a snorkel with more carnibore tooth scars on it than
anyone else...
Have fun y'all!
Best - Mason, Slinky, and Leila (the cat who really doesn't get all
this fuss over the tub - its water (YUCH!).
[Posted in FML issue 0783]