Your ferret should only be receiving canine distemper vaccinations NOT feline
(which is probably what you misunderstood to be female).  Ferrets do not
contract feline distemper, but other members of the Mustelidae family can
which can cause some confusion.  The only two canine distemper vaccinations
that should be used are either FERRVAC-D by United Vaccine (the only USDA
approved vaccine) or FROMM D by Solvay.  No other dog distemper vaccination
should be used.  Rabies may also be given as per your veterinarians
I keep my ferrets outdoors from Spring to Fall and they love it.  I believe
in getting natural sunlight and fresh air for all the pets that I have if
possible.  They are in a huge caged pen with ramps and raised cozy sleeping
areas so they have plenty of room.  They come out and romp in the yard
sometimes also.  You must be aware that they can pick up fleas (but indoor
pets can also if they are exposed to ourdoor pets) so you need to keep that
under control and predators like dogs which is why they are in a sturdy pen
in a fenced yard.  They have about 6 times the space of some of the ferrets I
saw in England that were kept outdoors year round.  Just protect them from
extremes in heat or cold with shaded areas and insulated sleeping areas.  I
see them lying on their backs, basking in the sun and listening to the birds
Susan A. Brown, D.V.M.
[Posted in FML issue 0809]