sorry for the delay in posting the toxicology number, but my computer's at
work and Beaker ate paint at home... but here goes:
i'm in maryland (right outside of DC), so i think the number is valid for
the MD/DC/VA area.  however, i don't know if it's valid nationwide.
it is an 800 number, but they do charge a $30 fee for the service.  they
will ask the weight of your animal, how long ago you think it ate whatever
it was it ate (or got into, in the case of being accidentally sprayed with
insecticide or something of the sort), how much of the stuff got into your
ferret, and the brand name (and possibly ingredients) of the product.  you
will then be transferred to a technician who will tell you what to expect
and do, and will be given a case number, in case your ferret takes a turn
for the worse.  (subsequent calls with a case number are free of charge.)
and now for my question:  someone mentioned something about there being
blue dots in his/her ferret's ear, but loving the animal just the same.  i
checked beaker and ehrl's ears last night, and lo and behold, they both
have blue dots.  looks sort of like my tattoos -- what do they mean?
        -- Jenny, going nuts watching over intrepid explorers Beaker and Ehrl
[Posted in FML issue 0803]