I wonder if ferrets might be naturally gifted computer operators.  Nestle'
once crawled inside my old 386, while it was running, no less!  Not
only did she not get hurt (my biggest worry), not only didn't she damage
the computer, but it always seemed to work better after that.  Less
crashes, and the mouse worked reliably.
Hershey, on the other hand, seems to be more software-oriented.  I got
stuck in the emacs editor when I accidentally turned it on instead of
vi, which I normally use.  I had no idea how to shut it off, but Hershey
climbed up my leg and stepped on the keyboard, and voila!, I was out
of emacs and back into the Unix shell.  Hershey still has an extraordinary
desire to walk on the keyboard, too.  And she's never crashed anything
doing it, either.
[I'll have to remember that.  Whenever I've accidentally gotten into
emacs, I have to turn my terminal off ;-)]
E.S., Hershey and Nestle'  (NY)
[Posted in FML issue 0801]