This is a simple query of those of you with fuzzies who leave them home
when traveling. My partner and I have been discussing starting a small
petsitting business on the side and have nothing but our own experiences
as pet/fuzzie owners/people/"parents" (whatever you wish to call yourselves)
to rely on when considering what a customer would ask of a petsitter via-
(excuse me) vis-a-vis ferrets. If you have hired petsitters and can relate
good and bad experiences, we'd appreciate your comments. If you have exper-
iences with friends/family/etc. caring for your fuzzies while you're gone
which might be of interest, we'd appreciate those comments too.
 You can reply either to Lorina ([log in to unmask]) or Penryn
([log in to unmask]). Thank you. EP
[Posted in FML issue 0800]