To Mark:
        >My 4 yr old female ferret developed a benign tumor at the very tip of
>her tail about 6 months ago.  The removal turned out fine, but they had to
>shave about 2 inches of her tail.  They said it would grow back, but it hasn't.
> Has anyone else had a similar experience?  I can't see how it would cause any
>serious problems or anything, I'm just curious.
        Mark, most hair regrows immediately, but some ferrets wait until the
next coat change - can be up to 6 months, or in rare cases, it may not regrow.
Of course, the lack of hair regrowth may be due to an ongoing medical problem
that prevents the regrowth, such as adrenal disease.
        I would suggest waiting it out until you see the next coat shedding, and
then,if it hasn't grown back yet, taking your pet back to the vet and checking
for other signs of adrenal disease.
        In my experience, as to your other question, while ferrets can live up
to 11 years - 6 years is about the average (at least in the animals that I see).
        To the FML -
        Well, as usual, my marine mammal trip to the West Coast was cancelled
again the day before I was to leave.  So I'm still here.
       Bruce Williams, DVM                 Department of Veterinary Pathology
       [log in to unmask]         Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
       (202) 576-2453/2454                 Washington, D.C.  20306-6000
[Posted in FML issue 0798]