> From: Al Horne <[log in to unmask]>
> This having happened more than once, I have concluded that it is at least
> plausible that Geraldo, Oprah, and SJR & s. are in the business of heightening
> controversy, not resolving it; and so the ferret stigmatizers oughtta have
I decided that a long time ago, unfortunately.. I was hoping to stick
with `60 Minutes' Type shows, but I think it would be nice to do as MANY
shows as we could, one way or the other.
> plenty of opportunity to speak. In other words, are we happy with the prospect
> of the neatly-coiffed grey-heads in suits that have titles having the opport
unity to say to a national audience, "Ferrets are rabid baby killers that stink"
> and being believed because of their demeanor and conservative, dis-passionate
> appearance and because we don't have a ringing 'sound-byte' rebuttal?
Are we happy with them doing it NOW? - remember, if we can get to where
EVERYONE can see us, we have the proof those `neatly-coiffed grey-heads'
lack, and all we want is a chance to show the figures to everyone at
> On the other hand, any action is better than no action at all, and further,
> there is no reason why we can't advocate at all levels, so I hope my club
> associates will still join FMLer's and other clubs in bringing to light the
> tragic MacDowell story, and erasing the ignorant antipathy sometimes accorded
> ferrets.
> The only question that remains in my mind is, should we perhaps confine
> ourselves to the "60 Mins", "Hard Copy", "Inside Edition" type shows, or
> perhaps even put priority on local investigative journalistic presentations?
> Anybody  wanna try 'Real Personal'? (8 :)  ...and Matt, what exactly is the
> plan?
 Personally, I think national would be better than local - the point is
to get the information out to everywhere at once, unlike the tiny,
localized battles we now face.
Plan? am I supposed to have a plan? I thought we were still in the
discussion stages!
 remember, *I* am not supposed to have a plan, I'm the one suggesting it,
and asking YOU for your help and ideas! after some of the other ferret
groups decide to join the effort (provided a majority agrees that a
united media push IS a good idea) THEN we can work out exact details!
(Although I DID cover the basics as I see them a couple of FML's back..)
Matt Ouimette
[Posted in FML issue 0796]