Hi folks,
First off, condolences to Robin re: losing Peppy... that must be real rough,
and please don't blame yourself for the creature's death; it sounds like you
gave him every kind of best treatment and food you heard of.
Dr. Brown - thanks again for sharing info re: ferret old age and re: PETA. I
have very ambivalent feelings re: PETA, because I do not agree with all of
their tactics and stances and yet I feel that a lot of the work that they do
is good work. There are other animal rights groups in NYC, but they tend to
band together a lot in their actions, since numbers are higher that way. So
this is why I want to try to work on them on this issue, even if it leads no-
I will ask my fiance to check for grinding (I'm finishing up at college this
semester, and my fiance has custody of the ferrets right now). From what I
have seen, Roddenberry's main problem with eating is lack of the full quota
of teeth, he only has some left. He doesn't seem to be nauseous at it; he does
eat. I think what we will do is observe for grinding and then take him to the
vet in June when I am back from school - it'll be about time for the yearly
shots and checkup - and get her opinion on his condition. Thank you so much for
all the information,
Geri, Manny, Wednesday and Roddenberry
[Posted in FML issue 0792]