> Oh, another thing, This past week I've seen 4 Marshall Farm ferrets, adults.
> All very nice in temperament by the way.  But all of them were very thin and
> very longish, and had very mottled markings.  The masks were totally gone on
> two of them, wich was really strange to see on a Standard sable, and one of
> them had a White bib, but only in patches, Very marbled.  One of them I have
> boarding here looks like any other Sable, mask and all.
>  But what I was wanting to know, and this is to the other Marshall Farm
> Ferret owners,  are these comman traits for that genetic pool?
> I have never seen a Sable totally without a mask before, meaning....... a
> completely dark brown face.
> Any other ones out there?
 Hi, we have two Marshall Farms boys, one Silver Mitt and a Dark Sable.
 The sable had a mask when he was a kit, but quickly lost it as he grew
 older -- and I haven't seen it since.  The silver mitt's comes and goes,
 aparently in tune with his annual changes in coat....
 And I've seen several sables in pet stores that appear to have no mask.
           - CT
[Posted in FML issue 0788]