I'm the one who was venting my concerns about our upcoming (departing
4/24) trip to Vegas via America West airlines by way of Logan Airport.
I feel a little more confident these days. I called AW's 800 number
(again!) over a week ago and got the number for their Logan Airport
office. I called that number and spoke to someone and expressed my
concern of a possible hassle.  She pulled up (electronically of course!)
our reservations and basically said it's all here, two domestic ferrets,
litter-mates (well, not technically...),traveling in one pet carrier
(meeting their under-seat requirements),$50.00 fee (each way),will need
health papers (dated within 30 days of departure date),get there early
to get our seats as the carrier will not fit under an aisle seat, other
than that, she couldn't foresee any problems. I was a bit relieved to
hear this and thanked her, she even thanked me for double-checking on it!
So, I feel a little more confident that we'll do ok but being a pessimist
at heart, I'm still bracing for some sort of "bumps".  Just a note, I
was again told that America West allows two pet carriers per flight.
I'm not anticipating a hassle from any state authorities enroute to/from
the airport but what had me nervous was showing up to check our baggage
and get boarding passes and pay for the ferrets travel and then getting
a hassle over that. I've yet to be at Logan and NOT see a State Patrol-
person and or some type of "authority"-type wandering about, that's
when I anticipated a hassle from the state/Fed's.
Again, I'll be submitting a post-trip report on how we made out on both
ends of the trip.
Regarding Matt Ouimette's request for a united front, I hereby enlist as a
phone-soldier!  Just let me know when!
That's all for now!
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[Posted in FML issue 0786]