Here is a formula I have derived, after having added a new fuzzy to the two
we already had:
(2 people + 2 half-crazed ferrets + 1 small apartment) + (1 nine month old,
clumsy but extemely lovable, male ferret who does not have a clue what a
litter box is) =  Complete and utter chaos
Also, just before we took in the new guy, we inadvertantly blew our girls
minds.  We discovered that at least one, and probably both of the girls had
found (created?) a hole underneath the couch, and were taking to crawling
around in there  and doing god knows what.  We were very worried about
squishing them, and only a little worried about the couch (it comes with the
place), so we tried to think of a way to keep them out.  The quickest
effective solution I could come up with was to take the legs off, and as they
unscrewed quite easily, that's what we did.  When the girls got up from their
naps and came into the living room, I honestly thought their little heads
were going to explode. They spent the better part of an hour trying to figure
out what the hell had happened, running in furious circles around the couch,
looking for a way in, and scrathing like loonies.  It was pretty comic, but I
kind of felt bad for them.  They have since given up trying to move the
couch, but I sense that they are still not pleased.
Gail, Tigger & Roo & the unnamed Big Guy (we are considering two names at the
moment:Emmet as in Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christmas (Don't feel bad if you
don't know what that is, my husband didn't either.  Ask a Muppet fan.) and
Lenny, as in "Roo will get me a mouse, so I can hug him and squueze him and
name him George."
[Posted in FML issue 0786]