To Norma-Ann about starting a club in Canada:
If you are looking for guidance in starting a ferret club, I highly
recommend you contact Ann Davis at [log in to unmask] for
information.  Ann is the national chair for the League of Independent
Ferret Enthusiasts, and has helped more than one person get started with a
ferret club.  She can offer you lots of great advice.
Once you start your club, contact Pam Grant at [log in to unmask] to
get your group listed with STAR*Ferrets (Shelters That Adopt & Rescue
Ferrets).  Pam is also a great resource for clubs.
Katie Fritz
CompuServe Small Mammals Section (S11) Co-Leader, Pets/Animals Forum
Internet: [log in to unmask]   CompuServe: 71257,3153
[Posted in FML issue 0786]