> From: Mason Weinrich <[log in to unmask]>
> too small to reach the kitchen counter (thank god!!)).  Last week I was
> making a chinese dish and kept cutting things up, and throwing parts
> out.  The kitchen garbage is much too tall for him to reach.  Much to
> my amazement, he turned, jumped onto the Leila's (the cat) litter box,
> from there leaped 1.5 feet to the kitchen table, dropped down onto a
> chair, from which he could barely jump and catch the lip of the
> garbage.
        My ferret Mako used my boston rocker once to get on the kitchen
counter.  What a sight that was.  I heard all sorts of stuff falling off
the counter, and there was Mako with a big grin on his face.  Daddy look
what I did.  Well I put him back on the floor to find out how he could
have done it.  Ferrets don't jump that high.   Well he climed up  onto
the chair and up the back of it.  Then he started  rocking till he could
get close enough to jump.  Smart little guy.
        Here's a scary thought.  Imagine if ferrets could jump like cats.
Thank god they can't. :)
> young California Sea Lion also tried to steal it several weeks ago, I
> think I now have a snorkel with more carnibore tooth scars on it than
> anyone else...
        Sebastian loves my SCUBA gear.  So far he's chewed threw two masks
one snorkel and three power inflater hoses.  Twice it was my falt for leaving
it within reach.  But the last time I guess he spent several days digging
at the corner of my dive bag.  I never saw it so he's a pretty good sneak.
Well I heard something but couldn't find it.  Then I saw a lump in my dive
bag move.  I removed him from the bag but he a ferret death grip on my inflater
hose once again.  I would hate to made out of soft rubber with ferrets around.
        Have a good weekend everyone.
        Brad, Sebastian and Mako.
        P.S. Does anyone know if a ferret is a tax write off? :)
[Posted in FML issue 0786]