Many thanks to Dr. Williams for a thorough explanation of heat injury of fer-
rets, and appropriate first aid (FMLI#760), and to Howard Davis for relating
a successful experience handling a broke-down air-conditioning situation.
CT Hart - how can I join you in motivating, producing and distributing pam-
phlets for informing pet shops, state legislators and other state authorities,
and/or perhaps local authorities of the legitimacy of ferrets as pets?
Chris and Scooter - you reported that Scooter's ears had 'yeast'... could the
'yeast' have affected an 'inner ear', thereby causing Scooter's nausea and
To all - I just had my first visit with a friends three house weasels.  One
(Buddie) - very sociable! - and the other two (Roscoe and Kano), a bit shy.
Ros had decided on a strategy of waiting until I was distracted, to make a
run on my beer - then I would turn, and he would disappear;  when Kano de-
cided the beer deserved a look-see, a he got ready to pounce on the beer just
in time to have Roscoe (the Bouncer) snag him by the ear and drag his ass off
under a chair across the room... I guess Ros decided Kano was not of drinking
Al Horne
[Posted in FML issue 0778]