In both our old place and our new one, Nero has chosen the
space under our dresser (two different dressers) as his
treasure trove. He's especially fond of sponges, candy (I think
he gets it from Jessie's bedroom), and misc. rubber items, but
the most amazing thing we found when we moved last time was
about a dozen Trolls -- you know, those funny-looking naked dolls
with neon hair. These were Jessie's and they ranged in size from
2" to 6" -- it was truly an amazing thing to see. Jessie retrieved
them andhid them away, and he hasn't found them yet. I guess I'll
get him a few of his own.
On a side note, a few people have mentioned litter-types they've
had luck with, but I haven't seen anything on scoopable litter.
I've been using it for several months (switched from Litter Green,
which was great on odor but not as easy to clean) and I think it's
terrific; it controls odor and it's amazingly easy to clean up.
Since no one mentioned it, I wondered whether there was a
particular reason people aren't using it. Can someone enlighten
[Posted in FML issue 0779]