We've never tried the towel game (we will tonight!), but how about
playing torpedo ferret?  We've got a couple of large cardboard tubes,
from big rolls of wrapping paper or something.  A ferret crawls into a
tube, the tube gets picked up an inch or two, and with a sharp bowling
sort of motion the ferret is shot out of the tube and goes sliding a
foot or so along the floor.* Tube is put down, ferret clucks and jumps
and runs around to slither back in.  Process repeats until humans are
tired or the other ferret comes along to see what all the fuss is
about and pounces on the first one, *ka-WHUMPF*. :-)
* Of course, be sure your tube is large enough, and don't scoot it so
fast that the fuzzy gets friction burn ("rope burn") from it.
Oh, and does anybody else get a good laugh when a largish male ferret
crawls backward out of a piece of 4" dryer hose and completely ruffles
all his fur, coming out looking like a furry puffer fish?
- Pam
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friend to Pixxel and Rusty the furry torpedoes of doom
keeper of the pet ferret FAQ -- current version is 1.1.1; email for a copy
[Posted in FML issue 0777]