 Just a few thoughts and questions from this-a-way...  (Colorado)
 Regarding fat ferrets:
 Max & Milo eat from the same bowl, and when Milo started putting
 on weight, I became concerned and wondered how I was going to put
 Milo on a diet without harming Max...
 I was filling their bowl twice a day at that point, and they'd
 empty the bowl twice a day.  So I tried cutting back, and in no
 time at all, I was filling it once a day and they'd be finishing
 off the bowl just about the time it was to be filled again.
 This didn't do anything for Milo's weight (which now appears to
 have just been winter-weight) but seems healthier for them both.
 Otherwise, I'd have to be devising little ferret stair-climbers,
 treadmills, and rowing machines...  :^)
 On the topic of FFZ:
 I've become rather confused about what places are and aren't FFZ.
 Does anyone have a list?  I don't think I can travel with my furries
 till I know it's safe.
 And regarding strange thefts:
 Back in the days when Milo was a lone ferret, I caught him on several
 ocassions, dragging the upright vacuum across the room by the rubber
 bumper on the front -- headed for his stash.  (How he planned to get
 it under the chair, I'll never know.)  And in cleaning out his stash,
 I've found books...  He seems to prefer science fiction.  (Anyone else
 have an educated ferret?)
 Max just makes off with my son's dinosaurs and matchbox cars, which
 doesn't strike me as odd.  *shrug*
 TTFF,                                         (Ta, Ta, Ferret, Fans)
       (`----')       - CT
        O   O  \
        \    /  \                      Eagles may soar,
        |`@@,    \                     but ferrets don't
         `^^      \                    get sucked into jet
         _ |       \     _._           engines...
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                   ///.------'       `- - - -'
[Posted in FML issue 0776]