In Issue 775 Norris Harber wrote:
> To all in the DC area --
> It could be that we are just terribly unobservant, but we just noticed
> this weekend that the National Zoo does have a black-footed ferret in
> the small mammals building.  The plaque said that he is too old to be
> used for breeding or to be released back into the wild.  He looked
> pretty healthy to us, at least awfully cute.
Soon after the National Zoo acquired this particular BFF, our ferret
club, LAFF (Loudound Area Ferret Fanciers) took a day trip down to
the zoo for a "behind-the-scenes" look.  We got a great talk about the
black-footed ferret breeding program, as well as a look behind the
display to see the rest of his domicile, and where he gets maintenance
and stuff.  All very interesting.  His name is Snoopy!  I thought
he'd be bigger as well, but apparently BFFs aren't much larger than
our domesticated furries.
For those in the DC area, and those coming to visit, the National Zoo
is a wonderful place, and is easy to get to on the Metro.
Admission is free ;-), but parking isn't :-(.
Jeff Jones                      [log in to unmask]             Go Mojos!
eon corporation, formerly TV Answer, Inc.               (703) 715-8958
1941 Roland Clarke Place, Reston, VA 22091
[Posted in FML issue 0776]