> From: [log in to unmask]
> Date:   Tue, 1 Mar 1994 20:52:21 -0500
> Subject:      Beer?
Heather, tell your sister that Reba should NOT be allowed to have beer.
It sounds like she's having much more than an occasional swallow, and
there's nothing in beer that's any good for a ferret.  Your sister and her
roommate are going to have to be a little more careful with their
housekeeping.  If Reba is drinking from half-empty cups and punching holes
in cans, she's probably getting enough alcohol to cause damage -- just
remember how much smaller she is than a human, and factor accordingly!  NO
> Tarra Lindborg
> PS  Dr. Williams:
>     Peanut has been losing all her hair, she is a little ball of peach
>     fuzz!  Is this normal?
Tarra, losing fur is a common problem, frequently discussed on the FML.
If Peanut is losing hair on more than her tail, i.e. all up her back and
neck, she could very well have an adrenal tumor.  She should see a vet
Good luck on your choir tour.
> ---------------------------------------
> From: CT Hart <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Kansas Case
> Date:   Wed, 2 Mar 1994 11:34:32 -0500
CT, see FML #742 for the most recent McDowell update.
In reference to my long post --
> [deleted three copies of the above paragraph.]
Sorry, Chris, I didn't realize the paragraph had repeated.  I'll check
more closely next time!
> IMHO, there is really no excuse for keeping a ferret if you cannot care for
> and you are certainly not doing the ferret a favor.  When your circumstances
> improve, you can "make it up" by going back to that shelter and giving a
> home to some other wonderful waif that needs one.
Howard (and Ann, too), this is indeed a tough stand, and one difficult for
some of us to voice.  Thanks for stating it, however bluntly.  We DO need
to remind each other of this regularly.
> On other fronts, I was disturbed to hear about Marshall farms selling ferrets
> to laboratories.  I recently requested a black-eyed white from there--now I'm
> queasy.  Does anyone have more info?  I'd rather go to a local shelter or
> breeder than have to worry about fuzzies in l
> laboratories.  I realize that
> there are plenty of valid reasons for laboratory research, however... well...
Gayle and Michael,
Sometimes we forget that what some of us know (and have known a long time)
is not necessarily as common knowledge as we think.  Yes, Marshall Farms
does breed ferrets for research.  In fact, they were breeding ferrets for
research years before they began selling them to the pet trade.  They are
probably the largest commercial ferret breeder in the U.S.  If you would
rather not support them because of your opposition to animal research, you
should find another source -- a ferret shelter is a good alternative, and
there are plenty of them out there.  To get a copy of the STAR*Ferret
shelter/vet/club list, send e-mail to: [log in to unmask] with the
single line message GET FERRET DATABASE and you'll receive it by return mail.
Personally, I am not opposed to all animal research -- my father used to
do cancer research on rats, and I believe it was valuable work.
Meanwhile, animal research also benefits animals -- how else did we get a
rabies vaccine tested for ferrets?  And how else will we be able to find
out the rabies virus shedding period for ferrets?  How else will we find
an eventual cure for lymphosarcoma?  This should not be construed as a
defense of all animal research, but I definitely do not favor a complete
ban.  But like I said, if you are against it and don't want to support
Marshall Farms, there are other sources available to you.
> From: Brad Laraway <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: CA Resident (fwd)
> Date:   Wed, 2 Mar 1994 16:07:39 -0500
Brad, thanks for the addendum -- I'll post that to CompuServe today.  Tell
Cindi that Jot can feel free to contact me on CompuServe as well -- my ID
number there is 71257,3153
> From: DTHOMASON <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: mh7 in issue 742
> Date:   Wed, 2 Mar 1994 20:59:40 -0500
Debra, from what I understand, the McDowells' ferret Longtail was NOT
vaccinated for rabies, as the McDowells' vet did NOT KNOW that there was a
rabies vaccine approved for ferrets.  (However, Longtail had had no
contact with anyone outside the McDowell family prior to this incident,
and there is NO WAY he could have been exposed to the virus.)
>    On a cheerier note, while I talking to the veterinarian, he happened to
> mention that ferrets are going to become legal in Michigan in April.  This
> would be wonderful if it were true, but I'm still incredulous because I hadn't
> heard anything about it before.  Can anybody out there confirm that that is
> definitely true, or dispell the rumor?
Julie, I have heard nothing about this, and I had a good long talk with
Pam Grant of STAR*Ferrets yesterday.  My suggestion would be to contact
Micki Wingate of the Great Lakes Ferret Association, 27654 South Pointe,
Grosse Ile, MI 48138, 313-587-3959.  She should be able to tell you the
latest.  Once you find out, please post to the FML what you find out!
Katie Fritz
Small Mammals Section Leader/CompuServe Pets/Animals Forum
Internet: [log in to unmask]  CompuServe: 71257,3153
[Posted in FML issue 0746]