Hi Everyone
After catching up on all the FML's I thought I would add my two cents...
To Everyone,
Did anybody else happen to catch CNN headline news the other day? They
did a short ( about 2-3min) piece on the California ferret bill. Well thy
just stated the facts about the bill.... they spoke with a keeper from
the San Diego (sp?) zoo who said that ferrets were wild, and was scared
to let them be pets because of their sharp teeth, and he was afraid that
they would set up colonies in the wild...  they also spoke with an anonymous
ferret owner in Ca, she said the ferrets couldn't live in the wild and
how they were truly gentle animal...   What makes me mad is that the zoo
keeper was labled as an 'expert' while the ferret owner was called an
"activist".  I don't thnk so, but I know many people who hear that word
and instantly think activist = nut.  Oh, also the ferret was compared to
a wild plant brought up from mexico that is no growing out of control.
How can one compare a ferret to a plant!!!  Anyway I tried to watch to
see if they would repeat the story so I could tape it, but i had no
luck...This just makes me wonder that if some "news" program did tell the
McDowells story, there is no telling what kind of bad press the the
ferret haters could spread....
To Beckers & the eleven,
I am currently using a mix of Diamond Perfessional and Iams, My baby
Calvin has only been fed the Diamond ( He is a Masketeer' Ferret ), and
he has the softest fur I have ever seen, and He is also large for his
age, and no the least bit listless.  The only reason I am still feeding
Iams is because my two girls (especaily Brittany ) are very picky and
slow to change. I have seen a video of Michelle's ferrets who were raised
on Diamond, and they are all beautiful, large ( an understatement on a
few) and very happy and playful.  I just wonder what bad experience your
vet has had with Diamond food?  I have had only good....no I don't get a
To Michelle,
Hi I just wanted to let you know that Calvin is doing great! he is
growing so fast, my husband , Stephen, hasn't seen him yet, and the only
way I'm going to convince him how tiny he was is from pictures and the video.
I will try to send you some pictures too.  I am also babysitting Fenris
for the night, My girls just love him too!  Fenris and Calvin are going
in the morning to get their distemper boosters.  You sould see Fenris he
is Beautiful. He is already bigger than both of my girls!  I can't tank
you enough!
To Kate
Things my ferrets like to steal....
Brittany has a sock fettish, she even must rearrange her entire stash daily.
Abigail  loves umbrellas, but wallets, purses, keys and shoes are also on
the top of her list
Calvin is new to thieving, he is not picky he will steal anything.
Greyson loved to steal the little scans of embroidery thread, go figure?
Well I thnk that's all for now, ( about time huh?).
Hugs from
Dona , Brittany, Abigail, Calvin, & tonight Fenris too.
[Posted in FML issue 0776]