    On your little one! Huzzzah on the potty training.  That is the
single most difficult thing we go thru.  We have 9 of them.  Four
we selected and 5 were "dumped" our direction and we are too soft
hearted to say no!
    On the biting, that is just a young ferret.  That's what they do!
Get some bitter apple and apply it to your hands and feet! (spray
liquid) and that should help a bunch.  We had one that was extremely
rough, but after a little work he came out ok.  NEVER rough with your
ferret after you pick him up!  He should learn, play is when he is
DOWN and love is when he is UP.  Our will rough with us down but as
soon as they are picked up they stop!  They may squirm wanting down
but they stop the play!
    Chris V.
     Do you need a stopover point in North Carolina on your way to MA?
We are just off I95 by Fayetteville! (just over the SC line)?  If so
email me at [log in to unmask] and we can work out something!
{SOUP in NC}
[Posted in FML issue 0776]