> From: [log in to unmask]
> Date: Fri, 25 Mar 1994 09:32:15 -0500
> Subject: Rabies Count in Canada
> Chris,
> Read your post on the number of rabies cases in Canada.
> I had never thought about getting any documentation from up there.
> Do you have an address where I could write to get documented figures on the
> actual numbers of rabies per type of animal - esp. ferrets?  I really need
> documented figures so that I can counter this garbage NH public health is
> putting out.  Do you think that they might have "bite" figures too for the
> more common domestic animals (dogs, cats, ferrets) etc?
> You can reply either on the FML or EMAIL [log in to unmask]
> Thanks.
> Dick B.
        If you get one could you please post the address on FML.  I'm
sure alot of Clubs and Shelters would like it.  The more information
we get the better our chances of saving a life.
> ---------------------------------------
> From: Aaron <[log in to unmask]>
> Date: Fri, 25 Mar 1994 10:26:01 -0500
> Subject: Observations and some questions on our first ferret
> Greetings to all!
> She is a 6 week old female, sort of grey-coated, bought
> from a local pet store, and with all the appropriate shots,
> spay, descent, etc..  Before buying her we read the FAQ pretty
        When you buy a ferret from the pet shop it only(usualy) has
it's first distemper shot.  A series of three is needed, so you
should take her to the vets for the other two shots, I also believe
strongly in the rabies vaccine.  For distempter use FERVAC-D or
FROM-D.  For rabies use ONLY IMRAB vaccine for ferrets.  Any other
substitude could give your ferret RABIES.
> Right. Well so now the two "problems." Perhaps I'm asking for too
> much too soon.  The biggest problem is this -BITING. SHe bites!
> It hurts!  We have tried being harsh with her, and she has gotten
> a bit better about it, but it is still very difficult, and scary,
> to try and pet or handle her for fear of a real bloodletter.
> When she runs free we try to play with her, but she just ends
> up hurting us so we lay off.  Furthermore, she has a thing for
> feet. If you only have socks or are barefoot she will circle your
> feet and bite your toes, which is very irritating!
        Almost every baby ferret bites. It's usualy just in play
but can hert.  Every time she bites just flick your finger on
her nose and loudly say NO.  You must do this while she is biting.
Doing it after the fact will not work.  This is for fingers and
toes.  Be patient and  consistent in your discipline.  Don't flick
her nose to hard you don't want to hert her just make her think
twice about biting.
> nose of something she'll get pissed and try to bite you again.
        I would let Mako sit there and bite me time after time and
every time he bit he got a flick.  He even drew blood once, but
kits teeth are realy more like pins than teeth.  He hasn't bit or
nipped sence the first week and a half with me.  Mako got his name
because he bit so hard.  A perfect carpet SHARK, CRUNCH.  But know
you can squeeze him, step on him, and give a big wet baby drool kiss,
and he wont bite.  I didn't do this my girl freinds 21 month old son
did.  :)  Poor guy went threw hell.
> but has rejected the human food we've tried for treats. So we're
> wondering what advice, if any, more experience ferret-ers might
        Try raisins, fresh green beans, Water mellon or other mellons,
Banana( I squish the up on a plate so it's like baby food.  It's better
than finding dried or furry chunks later.).  Popcorn and some low sugar
breakfast cereals.  Ferretone and linatone small amounts a drop or two.
You can try just about any food that doesn't have high amounts of sugar
or salt.  But use them only as treats in small amounts.
> to dogs, which are often so placid you can kick them in the head
> (not that I would!) and they'll just kiss you (at least the dogs
        Ya but when they were puppies you may have lost your leg if
you kicked them.  Puppies bite alot or at least three out of the three
I had as a kid. You just have to train them not to!!!
> -Aaron
        Good luck and be consistent. Things will get better.  Trust Me. :)
        Sorry I went on forever but it seems like it's going to a long
monday. :(  Hope you all had a good weekend.
        Brad, Sebastain, and Mako.
[Posted in FML issue 0775]