To the FML'ers -
I'm back.  The course was a great success, but has left me with a tremendous
backlog of cases, papers, work, etc.  I'll try to answer questions as quickly as
possible -
To John Rosloot concerning ear cleaning -
        It is difficult to adjudge the importance of ear cleaning, as each
ferret is different.  Of course, ferrets that are scratching or rubbing their
ears a lot, or have a dark, thick discharge require immediate care.  The normal
ferret, requires the periodic cleaning perhaps once or twice a month.
        It is always a good idea to have your vet check the ears at every visit,
especially for the presence of mites.  Mites are very common in ferrets, and can
cause marked irritation and increase the normal amount of wax in the ears.
Bacterial infections are uncommon, but may present as reddened, irritated ears
with a dark waxy discharge and a fould smell.
        It never hurts to pay attention to your ferrets' ears.  How would we
know that there was a problem if we didn't look?
Bruce Williams DVM
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[Posted in FML issue 0774]