Melissa and Potpie here. (Potpie says: *thunk* DOOKDOOKDOOK *thunk*)
Chris VonSeggern: I've heard that kits will occasionally vomit, and that
it's not much of a cause for worry. You know what else to watch for, though,
as far as stool, activity level, etc...The breeder is probably right, but
if anything else abnormal crops up, you'll want to take Scooter in.
The (sorta frivolous) real reason for this post is to see if anyone else's
ferrets out there have particular favorite household chores. For example,
Potpie's idea of ferret heaven is a world full of rooms where people are
making their bed in every room (Potpie says: *swish* *BOUNCE* *pogopogopogo*)
Just an amusing thought. :)
spreading ferret-sized love and goodwil too all of mankind!
following along behind her replacing all the things she pushes off the shelves.
[Posted in FML issue 0774]