For some reason, I'm getting all kinds of neat ideas tonight about our
friends the carpet-sharks.  Thought you'd enjoy these:
     1) If a ferret has gone under or into a place that you can't get to
yourself, and you need to get the ferret out of there for any reason, I have
found a lure that works quite well:  peanut-butter.  The James Gang --
Frank&Jessie, my two fuzzies -- are both utter fools for peanut-butter!  When
one of them goes under something and I want to get him or her out, I put a
blob of the stuff on my forefinger, put it _near_ him or her, and wait (near,
but not touching -- otherwise you'll suddenly be minus _all_ the
peanut-butter, and maybe have a sore forefinger as well, because when they go
after something they _love_, they tend to _chomp_ involuntarily;  if it's
only _near_ them, on the other hand, you can maintain some control of the
situation).  Soon -- just seconds, if they're awake;  if they aren't awake,
just poke gently to wake them up -- there comes a stirring, and then a ferret
suddenly coming after that peanut-butter with a gleam in its eye!  At this
point, you slowly pull back your hand, so the ferret can taste but not really
get a good bite of the stuff, and keep moving backward, away from the thing
the weasel is under, until said weasel is all the way out from under.  Then
give the peanut-butter as a treat.  I don't have to do this often;  otherwise
I'd wonder if peanut-butter could hurt them.  Anybody know?  _Should_ weasels
have a little peanut-butter occasionally, or never?
2) Dogs want someone to adore.  Cats want love.  Weasels, on the other hand
-- want the keys to the car;  they _know_ they're going to be loved, and if
anyone is to be adored, of course it will be them!  (And it is, it is ...)
Hope this is useful. -- Yael Dragwyla
[Posted in FML issue 0774]