To Rochelle,
  I don't know your name as I can't tell which ones belong to the
Ferrets and which ones belong to the Ferrets!
  Question, where in Ma. are you going?  We have a friend who runs
a Ferret Shelter in NH about 40 minutes over the line!  Do you
come up on I95 from Fla?  Bottom line here is, if an available
adoptable ferret is on that end in NH, would you be willing to pick
up a fuzzy hitchhiker and deposit him on this end?  Matter of fact,
if that is possible for you, you have room and board here at
Fayetteville, NC (actually Hope Mills but whose counting).
  This sounds haywire but I couldn't be more serious!  Will provide the
carrier on the way up and you can drop it on the way back!  Maybe you
need another fuzzy of your own!?!
  OBTW, email me direct if you can figure out the address out of the
alphabet soup!
  [log in to unmask]
    Thanks in advance!
Regards,  SOUP and Donna in NC
[Posted in FML issue 0746]