Hi all,
This has seemed to be the year for "First's", it seems all kinds of Odd-ball
things are cropping up.
To: Dr. Williams, or other's who might have seen one,...I have two litter's
of kit's out of my older breeder's who have always thrown quote 'Normal'
kit's, all are perfect, healthy, and large for their age, except for one that
is quite odd......
He is a Sable Mitt Badger Stripe, 4 weeks old, male, and has curly hair.
Even though he his smaller then the rest he is healthy and strong, It's just
that his hair is very strange, curly and wavy like a new born poodle puppy (
the best way to describe it), even his wisker's are kinky.  I've been
watching him closely to see if the hair will start to grow and straighten
out, but so far not.  I know that some Ferret's have hair through kithood
that is very short and resembles velvet, but once they start to get their
adult coats they look like any other Ferret.... Maybe this guy will
straighten out.
 I've been calling him "Mr. Motley",  and "Curley Butt" for obvious reasons
Well just thought I'd ask if Dr. Williams might have an answer, or if anyone
else has seen one.  I've talked to a couple of long time breeder's and my
vet, but no dice on info....No one has ever had one start off curly.
I've seen adult's that are lacking in nutrition some times get kinky hair, is
it possible that this little guy has a problem proccessing the nutrition
coming into his system? Even though he is acting healthy and normal? Or have
I accidentally hit apon some mutated strain of Ferret? Hoping for a clue...
Michelle and The MASKeteer's:-)
[Posted in FML issue 0769]