   In reference to the bitter apple we got it at a pet store in the
mall.  A chain store no less.  Shouldn't be that tuff to find I
wouldn't think. <G>  As for fighting not in play, yes that is
possible, but even when my guys play just for fun, when they get
wet in the shower you can see the red welts that they put on each
during play.  That is just the nature of the beast!
   As for the Ferret in the bath......  I forget who was talking
about this and I'm not using my normal off line reader but
doing this on line live, soooooooo
    Make sure that the water is WARM.  They (ferrets) like it warmer
than you would suspect.  I take mine in the shower with me and it
works quite well actually!  Some like to get wet more than others,
but when you open the shower door at my house, 7 weasels come tearing
around the corner, looking like a ferret stampede!  They head right
for the shower and even get in before the water warms up.  Several
prefere to perch on the edge and peer in while others just pile in!
You certainly don't want to get in the way of the stampede tho! <G>
    Regards,  SOUP in NC
[Posted in FML issue 0768]