I read the NH dept of Health Article, and once again I am shocked at the
manipulation of statistics, hiding of the truth, and twisting of facts
practiced by our `civil servants' - This is the same problem we
encountered (are encountering) in Utah - no mention that the rabies
vaccine HAS passed all the safety and efficacy tests, no mention that is
is MORE effective in ferrets than in dogs, no mention of the how ferret
rabies compare to dog or cat cases - and its the same with every point in
that document!
  How can we as a people take this? we can supply them with the proof
over and over again, give ALL the statistics, etc, and we are either
ignored or told `we just don't understand the facts'.
 I for one am SICK of it, and feel helpless  to change anything.. when did
this become a government where polital opinion counted so much more than
the truth?
*sigh*  sorry to yell, I've just been working so hard to swim against the
stream here, only to have the SAME stupid story pop up again elsewhere..
why do we as ferret owners seem to get this all the time?
 I feel like some sort of sub-minority, when the government tells me that
because of my choice in pets, they feel they can inspect my house when
they see fit, and STILL confiscate and kill my pet anytime they feel like it.
I'd best end now.. the last few weeks I've been flying off the handle
whenever someone mentions `ferret'.. I guess it's getting to me..
 Okay, that does it!  (keep this under your hats now) - this week, I'm
going to drive into the next county and (shh!) BUY a FERRET! - after
years of NOT having a fuzzy to keep me calmer, I don't care if I WILL
become a criminal. :)
 Have a nice week everybody!
 p.s. - NH: you ARE in contact with the A.F.A. to get the complete
figures and etc. for the dept of health, right?  (or you already have the
info, I expect)
 - keep us informed, please!
Matt Ouimette
Utah Ferret Association
[Posted in FML issue 0767]