Reply to Rochell et al...
My boyfriend has a terrier, and I have the ferret, and thus we have become
(more or less) resigned to water on the floor--ugh, cold wet socks (!) and
disappearing ferret chow.  This terrier, however, by all appearances thinks
of nothing but food.  If you get a dog with other interests you may have better
luck.  Our solution thus far has been a baby gate between the ferret and
the dog.
On other fronts, I was disturbed to hear about Marshall farms selling ferrets
to laboratories.  I recently requested a black-eyed white from there--now I'm
queasy.  Does anyone have more info?  I'd rather go to a local shelter or
breeder than have to worry about fuzzies in l
laboratories.  I realize that
there are plenty of valid reasons for laboratory research, however... well...
I'm sure some of you, if not all, know what I mean.  Had my heart set on
the black-eyed white (and I love my Marshall farms Elie), but color is
the least of my concerns.  Would appreciate info. and/or comments on this
Gail, Michael, Woden, and Elie Wiesel
[Posted in FML issue 0745]