In issue #759 anon wrote:
> It is my understanding that the #1 cause of premature ferret death is
> by being crushed in reclining chairs.  Everything I have read says
> that there should be no reclining chairs in any room that ferrets
> have access to.
And Tim Keeter wrote:
> Just to clear some things up, the recliner may as well not even be a recliner.
> We knew from the start the dangers of crushing a poor ferret in such devices,
> and we quickly discovered that keeping her out of it would be impossible (the
> little guys really have a lot of perserverence!). So we just don't even sit in
> the thing any more. If we do, no reclining, and we have to know where else she
> is - rules we adhere to strictly.  This isn't a problem since there are only
> two of us in this small (but comfortable) apartment.
We had an old lazy boy in the ferret's room when we first got them.
We knew about all the hazards, and so we were very careful; nobody
ever reclined in it, and we always made sure where the guys were
before we sat in it. It became one of their favorite hiding places.
We eventually got tired of explaining to visitors why they couldn't
sit in the lazy boy, so we got rid of it.  It's hard to be careful *all*
the time......
Jeff Jones                      [log in to unmask]             Go Mojos!
eon corporation, formerly TV Answer, Inc.               (703) 715-8958
1941 Roland Clarke Place, Reston, VA 22091
[Posted in FML issue 0760]